For the Best Results, Rely on a Professional Tile Contractor in Chantilly, VA, for Caulking and Re-Grouting Your Tiled Surfaces

 In Chantilly VA re-grouting

While you may consider yourself to be a weekend warrior when it comes to projects around the house, the one thing you don’t want to mess up is caulking your shower tile. Failure to achieve a proper seal will inevitably result in tile water damage or water leaking into your lower floor or floorboards. This would require, quite possibly, having to rip out your entire shower or bathtub to install new wood and protective boards. So, in short, save yourself time, money, and peace of mind by calling the local caulking and re-grouting experts in Chantilly, VA – call The Grout Medic of Northern Virginia. We’ve been performing re-caulking and re-grouting services in Chantilly, VA, and surrounding areas of northern Virginia for nearly 17 years now. In fact, grout cleaning, re-caulking, and re-grouting are jobs we perform every single day of the week. Furthermore, we offer all new customers a 100% free, in-person consultation. If you’d like to learn more about our re-grouting and re-caulking services in Chantilly, Virginia, call us today at 703-634-4646!

caulking in Chantilly VA

There are several questions you should ask yourself before you perform re-grouting or re-caulking. Here are just a few:

  • Do I know what I am getting into?
  • Do I have the correct equipment to remove old, bad grout or caulk?
  • Do I know which type of caulk is best for my shower?
  • Do I know which type of grout is best for my shower or floor?

If you’re not 100% certain on any of the questions above, we highly recommend consulting a professional tile and grout contractor. If you use the wrong type of caulk or grout, the results will definitely be less than satisfactory. We can’t even estimate how many times we’ve been called out to fix a DIY project that went awry. Usually, the husband took the project on without understanding all the variables in the equation; especially how quickly the wife would call a professional to ensure the job is completed in a timely manner and completed correctly the first time. In all seriousness, though, it’s imperative that your caulk is doing its job. If water is slowly seeping into your wall or floorboards, then you’ll have major issues coming in the future.

re-caulking in Chantilly VA

No matter how easy you think your caulking or re-grouting project is going to be, it’s always going to be more cost-effective to hire a professional. Why run the risk of very serious tile water damage repair when you could simply call The Grout Medic and have the entire project completed in just one day? Make the smart choice and give us a call before you get started, as it will save you money, time, and peace of mind. Call us today at 703-634-4646 or fill out our contact form anytime!

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